Vysis CEP 8 SpectrumOrange Direct Labeled Fluorescent DNA Probe Kit

For more information, contact Abbott.


CEP 8 is a SpectrumOrange labeled probe specific for the alpha satellite (centromeric) region, 8p11.1-q11.1.

The CEP 8 DNA Probe Kit which is available for in vitro diagnostic use and may be used as an adjunct to standard karotyping to identify and enumerate chromosome 8 in cells obtained from bone marrow. In multi-site clinical trials, the CEP 8 DNA Probe Kit for interphase analysis was 96% sensitive and 98% specific as compared to traditional cytogenetic analysis. A close association has been made between trisomy 8 and both myeloid blast crisis and basophilia. Trisomy 8 is a prevalent genetic aberration in several specific diseases:

  • Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD)
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
  • Other hematologic disorders not specified (HDNOS)
CEP 8 Spectrumorange Dna Probe Kit Content

Components of the CEP 8 SpectrumOrange DNA Probe Kit include:

  • CEP 8 SpectrumOrange alpha satellite DNA for centromere region 8p11.1-q11.1 predenatured in hybridization buffer (220 μL)
  • NP-40 (detergent for wash solution: 1000 μL)
  • DAPI II counterstain (300 μL)
  • 20X SSC (66 g)

Intended Use
The CEP 8 SpectrumOrange DNA Probe Kit is intended to detect AT rich alpha satellite sequences in the centromere region of chromosome 8 in conjunction with routine diagnostic cytogenetic testing. It is indicated for use as an adjunct to standard cytogenetic analysis for identifying and enumerating chromosome 8 via fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in interphase nuclei and in metaphase spreads of cells obtained from bone marrow in patients with myeloid disorders [Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), Myeloproliferative disorder (MPD), Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), and Hematological disorders not otherwise specified (HDNOS)]. It is not intended to be used as a stand alone assay for test reporting. It is not intended for use in long term cell cultured materials such as amniocytes, fibroblasts and tumor cells.


  • The CEP 8 SpectrumOrange DNA Probe Kit has been characterized only for identifying chromosomes in nuclear preparations or metaphase spreads from bone marrow specimens.
  • The clinical interpretation of any test results should be done in conjunction with standard cytogenetic analysis and should be evaluated within the context of the patient’s medical history and other diagnostic laboratory test results.
  • Clinical specimens with >2.2% tri-signaled nuclei are considered to have an abnormal trisomy 8 clone. Those with ≤ 2.2% tri-signaled nuclei should be considered normal, although the presence of trisomy 8 is not completely excluded.
  • The CEP 8 SpectrumOrange DNA Probe Kit is not intended for long term cell cultured materials such as amniocytes, fibroblasts and tumor cells.
  • FISH assay results may not be informative if the specimen quality and/or specimen slide preparation is inadequate.
  • If significant peripheral blood contamination is present in the bone marrow specimen, the blood may dilute the specimen; it is important to recognize the potential effects this dilution effect may have on the FISH assay results.
  • It is possible that patients may have chromosome polymorphism which may hybridize with CEP 8 probe. FISH metaphase analysis should be done in addition to FISH interphase analysis. Polymorphism was not investigated in the clinical trials.
  • This assay will not detect the presence of other chromosome abnormalities frequently associated with hematological disorders.
  • The efficacy of this assay for monitoring of trisomy 8 or disease progression has not been demonstrated.

Rx Only

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use

To learn more about Vysis CEP 8 SpectrumOrange Direct Labeled Fluorescent DNA Probe Kit please visit: https://www.molecular.abbott/us/en/products/vysis-cep-8-dna-probe-kit

In a normal cell, the expected pattern for a nucleus hybridized with the CEP 8 probe is a two orange (2O) signal pattern. In an abnormal cell containing trisomy 8, the expected pattern will be a three orange (3O) signal pattern.

Normal Hybridization: CEP 8 SpectrumOrange hybridized to a normal cell showing two orange signals indicating two copies of chromosome 8.