Vysis LSI D5S23, D5S721/CEP 9/CEP 15 FISH Probe Kit

For more information, contact Abbott.


The Vysis D5S23, D5S721/CEP 9/CEP 15 FISH Probe Kit is intended to detect the copy number of the D5S23,D5S721, CEP 9 and CEP 15 probe targets located at 5p15.2, 9p11.1-q11.1 and 15p11.1-q11.1, respectively, using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique.

The approximately 561 kb (chr5:9450109-10011407; March 2006 assembly) SpectrumGreen probe is located at chromosome 5p15.2 The SpectrumAqua probe contains alpha satellite sequences and is specific to chromosome 9p11.1-q11.1. The SpectrumOrange probe contains D15Z4 alpha satellite sequences and is specific to chromosome 15p11.1-q11.1.

In an abnormal cell containing hyperdiploidy of either chromosome 5, chromosome 9 or chromosome 15, greater than two signals will be observed for the respective chromosomes.

In a normal cell that lacks hyperdiploidy of chromosome 5, chromosome 9 and chromosome15, a two green, two aqua and two orange signal pattern will be observed reflecting the two copies of each chromosome.

Normal Hybridization: An interphase cell hybridized with the LSI D5S23, D5S721/ CEP 9/CEP 15 Probe. The cell shows the two green (LSI D5S23, D5S721), two aqua (CEP 9) and two orange (CEP 15) signal patterns.

Abnormal Hybridization: An interphase cell hybridized with the LSI D5S23, D5S721/ CEP 9/CEP 15 Probe. The cell in this image shows a two green (LSI D5S23, D5S721), three aqua (CEP 9) and three orange (CEP 15) signal patterns.